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Lowongan Kerja Maple Creative Tree

Maple Creative Tree  - Saat ini membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Februari 2021. Adapun di bawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi sobat ruang sipil yang tertarik berkembang dan berkarir bersama Maple Creative Tree 

Lowongan Kerja Maple Creative Tree
 Lowongan Kerja Maple Creative Tree 

Project Supervisor


  • Minimum 2 Years experiences in construction / interior design / architecture.
  • Minimum Vocational High School / SMK / D3 in the field of interior design / architect / civil engineering.
  • Understand the scope of project work in the field.
  • Understand about electricity.
  • Understand about plumbing.
  • Understand building materials.
  • Understand material breakdowns.
  • Honest, integrity, conscientious and resilient.
  • Have good interpersonal skills, can work together, have a leadership spirit, and can work under pressure.

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