Lowongan Kerja PT Paradise Perkasa
Lowongan Kerja PT Paradise Perkasa - PT PARADISE PERKASA was established in 1993 in a period of petrochemical, oil & gas industrial booming and now, become one of the leading stockiest in piping systems in Indonesia.
We emphasize in the supply of high quality materials mainly to Engineering Fabricators, Contractors, Petrochemical Industries, Power Station, Oil refineries and Oil & Gas Industries.
Our policy is to provide the most comprehensive and reliable service in the industries as we realize that it is the most customers are looking for. Therefore, we apply advance computer system and fully trained personnel to keep in touch with our clients and datas so that we can keep on our standard of services. As a proof, we have been accredited ISO 9001:2008 Quality Standard since 2014.
Furthermore, Our stocks are manufactured and fully conformed to ASTM/ASME and other international standards.
Lowongan Kerja PT Paradise Perkasa
Admin Warehouse
Jika anda berminat silahkan kirim CV & Surat lamaran anda ke email berikut : hrd.recruitment@paradiseperkasa.com
We emphasize in the supply of high quality materials mainly to Engineering Fabricators, Contractors, Petrochemical Industries, Power Station, Oil refineries and Oil & Gas Industries.
Our policy is to provide the most comprehensive and reliable service in the industries as we realize that it is the most customers are looking for. Therefore, we apply advance computer system and fully trained personnel to keep in touch with our clients and datas so that we can keep on our standard of services. As a proof, we have been accredited ISO 9001:2008 Quality Standard since 2014.
Furthermore, Our stocks are manufactured and fully conformed to ASTM/ASME and other international standards.
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Lowongan Kerja PT Paradise Perkasa. |
Admin Warehouse
- Pria
- Usia 23 – 30 tahun
- Sehat jasmani & rohani.
- Lulusan SMK / SMA
- Pengalaman 1 tahun di admin warehouse
- Pekerja keras dan tahan mental
- Bisa komputer, min : microsoft ofc : Excel, Words, PowerPoin
- bisa bekerja sama
- Sehat jasmani / rohani, tidak buta warna
- Mau bekerja di Dadap, Kosambi, Banten
- Mau bekerja sampai larut malam
Jika anda berminat silahkan kirim CV & Surat lamaran anda ke email berikut : hrd.recruitment@paradiseperkasa.com
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