Lowongan Kerja PT Ganeca Environmental Services
Lowongan Kerja PT Ganeca Environmental Services - Ganeca Environmental Services was established in early 2014, located in Bandung. Since the founders are mostly Bandung Institute of Technology Graduates, the company is named after Ganeca, a street that locates the university.
In line with our vision and mission, “Being the best professional consulting company and having integrity in providing services to clients related to environmental management with the advanced scientific methods.”, GES aims to continuously deliver outstanding services because we value client-oriented behaviour. We believe that every outcome is important and we tend to deliver our best as our added value to clients.
Lowongan Kerja PT Ganeca Environmental Services
Asisten Peneliti
Lokasi penelitian di Kabupaten Gowa dan Kota Makassar
Deadline: 26 Agustus 2020
If you are interested in this vacancy, please send your CV by email: admin@gesi.co.id
Contact person: annisaluth@gesi.co.id
Telp: (022) 8750-1572
In line with our vision and mission, “Being the best professional consulting company and having integrity in providing services to clients related to environmental management with the advanced scientific methods.”, GES aims to continuously deliver outstanding services because we value client-oriented behaviour. We believe that every outcome is important and we tend to deliver our best as our added value to clients.
Lowongan Kerja PT Ganeca Environmental Services. |
Asisten Peneliti
- Mahasiswa tingkat akhir/Freshgraduate
- Jurusan teknik sipil/teknik lingkungan/geologi/geografi/kehutanan/geodesi/pengairan/ilmu sosial
- Berdomisi kota Makassar dan sekitarnya
- Certificate
- Salary
Lokasi penelitian di Kabupaten Gowa dan Kota Makassar
Deadline: 26 Agustus 2020
If you are interested in this vacancy, please send your CV by email: admin@gesi.co.id
Contact person: annisaluth@gesi.co.id
Telp: (022) 8750-1572
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