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Gratis Ebook Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to Their Properties and Applications

Halo sobat ruang sipil. Pada postingan kali ini, ruang sipil akan berbagi file ebook yaitu Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to Their Properties and Applications Book by David R. H. Jones and Michael F. Ashby [2019] yang bisa kamu gunakan sebagai materi pembelajaran, referensi atau memudahkan pekerjaan mu. Silahkan simak sedikit cuplikan dari ebook Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to Their Properties and Applications Book by David R. H. Jones and Michael F. Ashby [2019] gratis ini, selengkapnya di bawah.
Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to Their Properties and Applications
Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to Their Properties and Applications.
Widely adopted around the world, Engineering Materials 1 is a core materials science and engineering text for third- and fourth-year undergraduate students; it provides a broad introduction to the mechanical and environmental properties of materials used in a wide range of engineering applications. The text is deliberately concise, with each chapter designed to cover the content of one lecture. As in previous editions, chapters are arranged in groups dealing with particular classes of properties, each group covering property definitions, measurement, underlying principles, and materials selection techniques. Every group concludes with a chapter of case studies that demonstrate practical engineering problems involving materials.

Engineering Materials 1, Fourth Edition is perfect as a stand-alone text for a one-semester course in engineering materials or a first text with its companion Engineering Materials 2: An Introduction to Microstructures and Processing, in a two-semester course or sequence.

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