Lowongan Kerja PT DECA
Profil PT DECA
We want to be a civil and interior contractor that known by all over the world because of our best services in the field of construction.
We want to provide the best service technically, mathematically, duration, and environmentally friendly to every project that we handle as our commitment to make sure the success of each project.
Always challenging ourselves to always keep up with the evolution in the field of construction, technology, and development. Developing the best human resources in every field, as well as being the pride of the nation.
We're proud to have become the first choice by the customer as the main contractor in each project that we handle.
In every construction project we always start with the best commitment and ends with the excitement of the customer, as well as the phrase "Thank you very much, you've managed to build this building perfectly" who comes from our costumer.
Head Office :Ruko Paris Square Blok B2, No. 35 -BSD, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia 15321.
e-mail : deca.konstruksi@gmail.com
Phone 1: (021) 926 46 094
Lowongan Kerja PT DECA. |
berikut kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan
- Integritas
- Keingintahuan yang tinggi
- Disiplin
- Bisa bekerjasama dalam tim
Lulusan SMA/SMK sederajat
- Autocad ( Wajib, akan lebih baik jika mengerti gambar struktur)
- Sketchup (Wajib)
- Revit 3D (Tidak wajib bisa, namun akan menjadi nilai plus sekali jika bisa)
Job Description
- Membuat gambar 3D struktur yang akan digunakan untuk pelaksanaan proyek
- Mengecek hasil kerja di proyek dengan gambar 3D
- Melakukan komunikasi dengan project manager perihal kebutuhan gambar kerja untuk proyek
Untuk CV dapat dikirim ke: william63.deca@gmail.com
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